Dusseldorf, June 29, 2009. Summarizing a study of current results in neural research, Business Consulting Network International found that the use of different media brings about changes in the brain. This is based on the verifiable fact that brains develop according to how they are used, especially if the activities are carried out with an emotional commitment. In such cases, the emotional centers are activated and neuroplastic messengers are released, reinforcing the neural connections used for the activity in question. The result is that regulated performance of a particular activity sets up “paths” along which the neurological processes flow ever more smoothly.

When it comes to marketing strategies, this means making further use of findings on the psychology of selling. Depending on the target group in question, the results of neurobiological research can be used to draw up advertising campaigns that are even better targeted.

For more information, please register to download the reference article: www.bcni-intelligence.com

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About .BCN Business Consulting Network International
.BCN Business Consulting Network International is a marketing and communications consultancy and full-service implementation agency. Our industry-savvy experts in marketing, business strategy and communications serve clients throughout Europe and the United States.
For more information about .BCN International, please visit www.business-consulting-network.com.

Standpunkt: Ursula Drost, Business Consulting Network, fordert strategischen Umgang mit dem Wissenspotenzial in den Unternehmen

VDI nachrichten, 17.10.2003

Erst wurden sie in den Vorruhestand geschickt, jetzt werden sie schmerzlich vermisst. Immer mehr Unternehmen erkennen, dass sie die älteren Mitarbeiter genauso brauchen wie die jungen – und beginnen wieder „Alte“ einzustellen. Doch das bringt neue Probleme, sagt Ursula Drost im folgenden Beitrag. Für immer mehr Unternehmen wird die einseitige Ausrichtung auf junge Hight-Potentials zum Problem.

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