Until recently, interconnectivity in the business world was still limited to exchanging e-mail or interactively linking two locations through large-scale, comprehensive and expensive IT projects. But increasingly, smart and agile solutions are showing the way forward by allowing real-time collaboration, transparent approval processes in real time, video conferencing, Web conferencing—all through secure, encrypted solutions. Such technologies are all part of the daily routine for Business Consulting Network International.

.BCNI International has made collaboration in smart, continually evolving .BCN networks an integral part of its core philosophy from the beginning and continues to promote these approaches. .BCN relies on state-of-the-art IT solutions and offers this same collaborative technology to its clients. Underlying this is a fundamental belief in technological progress, expertise and an undiminished enthusiasm for high-tech and IT, coupled with years of experience in various sectors of the high-tech and IT industries.

“By working with us, our clients save not only time and money but resources. This supports our approach of sustainability in every project that we manage together with our clients,” explains Edmund Hain, co-founder and CEO of .BCNI International. “Since Business Consulting Network is focused on the high-tech, IT, cleantech and green industries, our clients are by nature very open to new technologies—especially when they further support sustainability.

Notes to Editors:
About .BCNI Business Consulting Network International: www.business-consulting-network.com

For more information please contact:
.BCNI Business Consulting Network International
t:+49 (0)211 / 86 29 88-0
f:+49 (0)211 / 86 29 88-29
e: press@bcn-international.com

About .BCNI Business Consulting Network International
.BCNI Business Consulting Network International is a marketing and communications consultancy and full-service implementation agency. Our industry-savvy experts in marketing, business strategy and communications serve clients throughout Europe and the United States.
For more information about .BCN International, please visit www.business-consulting-network.com


Dusseldorf, June 29, 2009. Summarizing a study of current results in neural research, Business Consulting Network International found that the use of different media brings about changes in the brain. This is based on the verifiable fact that brains develop according to how they are used, especially if the activities are carried out with an emotional commitment. In such cases, the emotional centers are activated and neuroplastic messengers are released, reinforcing the neural connections used for the activity in question. The result is that regulated performance of a particular activity sets up “paths” along which the neurological processes flow ever more smoothly.

When it comes to marketing strategies, this means making further use of findings on the psychology of selling. Depending on the target group in question, the results of neurobiological research can be used to draw up advertising campaigns that are even better targeted.

For more information, please register to download the reference article: www.bcni-intelligence.com

Notes to Editors:
About .BCN Business Consulting Network International: www.business-consulting-network.com

For more information please contact:
.BCN Business Consulting Network International
t:+49 (0)211 / 86 29 88-0
f:+49 (0)211 / 86 29 88-29
e: press@bcn-international.com

About .BCN Business Consulting Network International
.BCN Business Consulting Network International is a marketing and communications consultancy and full-service implementation agency. Our industry-savvy experts in marketing, business strategy and communications serve clients throughout Europe and the United States.
For more information about .BCN International, please visit www.business-consulting-network.com.

Die Qualität von Dienstleistungen im Marketing- und PR-Bereich sollte messbar sein und auch strengen Kriterien standhalten

MM – Das IndustrieMagazin, 12.05.2003

Angesichts der anhaltend angespannten Wirtschaftslage wird es für Unternehmen immer wichtiger, ihr Unternehmen und ihre Produkte mit solchen Marketing- und Kommunikationsmaßnahmen zu positionieren, die nicht nur professionell sind, sondern auch messbare Erfolge zu vertretbaren Kosten erzielen. Also einen Return on Investment (ROI) für Marketing- und PR-Dienstleister? Nicht ganz, aber die Qualität von Dienstleistungen sollte auch in diesem Bereich nachvollziehbar sein.

Von der Marktanpassung zur Marktgestaltung

MM – Das IndustrieMagazin, 18.08.2003

Die Preis- und Kostenschraube nähert sich ihrem Ende. Aus Angst vor dem Wettbewerb haben sich viele Unternehmen in eine Defensivhaltung drängen lassen.

Experience as a success factorExperience as a Success Factor

The size of the budget is no guarantee of success in PR and Marketing

W & V Werben & Verkaufen, July 11, 2003

It is clear to most companies that Marketing and PR are indispensable requirements to be able to survive in competition. But far too many examples show that companies disappear silently from the market or are bought out by the competition in spite of convincing products.It doesn’t always need a six or seven-figure budget to be able to promote the image, the brand name and the sales of a company. Agencies with broad industry experience, solid knowledge of the market, skilful mastery of the marketing mix and, not the least important, a broad and proven network of special service providers can also perform effective marketing and public relations work within a limited budget.

Nicht die Größe des Budgets garantiert den PR- und Marketing-Erfolg

W & V, July 11, 2003

Dass Marketing und PR unabdingbare Voraussetzungen sind, um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können, ist den meisten Unternehmen klar. Doch viel zu viele Beispiele zeigen, dass Unternehmen trotz überzeugender Produkte sang- und klanglos vom Markt verschwinden oder vom Wettbewerb aufgekauft werden. Dabei müssen es nicht immer sechs- oder siebenstellige Beträge sein, um Image, Markenaufbau und Absatz eines Unternehmens vorantreiben zu können.